Web and Graphic Design for Small & Minority Business


Your business is growing and needs a home on the web and you are not sure where to begin. Like I always say do your homework. Learn to ask questions not just any questions the right questions of your designer. Ask them what is the best web platform for my business? If he or she is not a one trick pony they will be able to build in multiple platforms and can suggest the best web platform for your business. The purpose of this article is to help you decide the best for what is needed to do the job. All of these platforms have advantages and disadvantages I will layout some of them. So lets find the best solution within your budget.


This platform is the one I use the most as a wed builder. I love that you have complete control of your site from the way that it looks to how it functions. WORDPRESS not only is a web platform but a CMS. The platform is an OPENSOURCE platform which means that anyone can create a plugin or theme for the platform which gives you a plethora of plugin options to choose from when building you site. I like using it also because I can hard code functionality if needed with ease.


  • Complete control of every aspect of your site
  • A huge number of themes and plugins to help you deploy any kind of website without programming skills
  • SEO-Friendly
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • A good option for e-commerce
  • Great for blogging


  • Premium themes and plugins can get expensive
  • Plugins must be updated frequently
  • Occasional plugin conflicts


Wix is a great option for most small business owners. It offers a lot of functions and customization it’s also very user friendly so if you have a good eye for design have a go at it. If you are looking for an e-commerce solution or a solid website with optimal speed you may want to look elsewhere.


  • One of the most intuitive drag-and-drop builders
  • Self-explanatory: no need to understand coding or technicalities
  • A wide range of design options and templates, even with the free version
  • Mobile Friendly


  • E-commerce options are a bit costly and clunky to use
  • Relatively slow loading speed.
  • SEO is a pain in the neck with Wix


SQUARESPACE is also one of the best website builders for small business owners. If you want your website to look neat, clean, and responsive then Squarespace is your place. It is also very easy to implement.


  • Easy and simple to use templates
  • Mobile friendly
  • A diverse range of design options
  • SEO tools
  • Customer support is always available with Squarespace via email


  • It requires a business plan to access powerful features like custom code
  • There are fewer add-ons and apps than similar tools
  • Not the best for e commerce websites
  • Pricing is more expensive with Squarespace
  • Editing and adding content can sometimes be difficult


SHOPIFY is your one stop shop for e commerce solutions. From calculating shipping to ease of use in the back end SHOPIFY wins when it comes to e commerce but it does have some drawbacks.


  • Ideal for large stores
  • Multi-platform selling… Sell across multiple channels , facebook, Instagram, Amazon, and eBay
  • Extensive payment options


  • Not as user friendly as the other platforms
  • High transaction fees
  • Expensive to use
  • Not for information based sites


Square E-commerce, formerly known as Weebly, is a website builder platform for small businesses. Although not as advanced as Shopify, Weebly is cheaper and makes it easy for starters to build a website from scratch.


  • Easy to set up
  • There is a free plan
  • A large number of templates available


  • The drag and drop feature provides ease but there’s no option for moving elements to precise places on the website as Wix provides
  • Limited SEO capabilities

There other platforms out there as well like BIGCOMMERCE , SITEBUILDER and more as always do your due diligence in deciding. My dad used to always “YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW” and in the case of your business you want to make sure you make a decision based on good information. Even you are hiring someone to build your site you will do yourself a service in getting to know the platforms so you can communicate and understand why your web designer chose that platform. I hope that this useful and save you time and money … good luck.




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Content is King

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10 minute rule


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