Web and Graphic Design for Small & Minority Business

Brklyn Dream Logo

This logo is one of my favorites probably for the colors and the elegance of it. Th e client had several other things done by me so I had already knew that the logo must contain the color green but he requested that it be very simple but elegant. Black against many colors always brings out the elegance of things. I the font was also chosen to represent that elegant classy look …. needless to say he was happy with it and so was I.




Choosing the right domain for your business

Choosing the right domain name for your business website can be just as hard as choosing a name of your first born . Your first born can legally change its name when it matures but as your business matures it will be harder and more expensive to change your branding…. changing the domain is easy

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Trust your wings

One of the things that i had to learn quickly when I started this business was that you only ask for what you think you

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what to look for in a web designer

What to look for in a web designer

So you have decided it is time to take your business to the next level . You’ve made the sales and stregthened your infrustrature and now its time to play with the big boys. Your’e ready but where do you start? How do you start? what do you look for ? All of those questions are valid and important and I am here to help you ask the right questions that will avoid you wasting time money, money and resources. Choosing a web designer or a graphic designer is and will be one of the most important decisions you have to make when growing your business.

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Website Conversation

Let’s have a conversation about WEBSITE CONVERSATION

I know it sounds like a typo in the title but its not there really is something called WEBSITE CONVERSATION. Its a pretty simple concept once its explained in a simple way. Understanding WEBSITE CONVERSATION will help you get more traffic to your site as well as more information about the people who are visiting your site. As we all know the more you know about your audience the better you can serve their needs and serving their needs will help create brand loyalty.

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welcome to the dark web

Welcome to The Dark Web

I have been in the graphic design business for over 10 years held various positions at companies from webmaster to content creator for companies ranging

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content is king

Content is King

CONTENT IS KING ! Our presence on the web is super important from the way our site looks to the eser experience it all plays a big part of whether you get traffic and more importantly repeat traffic.

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