Web and Graphic Design for Small & Minority Business

Company Men Logo

This logo was created for a group of House Music Producers and D.J’s. The wanted something clean but also defined what they did just by looking at it… Hence the sound bars . They also wanted something would be able to printed on various colors and fabrics so I made the logo in various colors .



Website Conversation

Let’s have a conversation about WEBSITE CONVERSATION

I know it sounds like a typo in the title but its not there really is something called WEBSITE CONVERSATION. Its a pretty simple concept once its explained in a simple way. Understanding WEBSITE CONVERSATION will help you get more traffic to your site as well as more information about the people who are visiting your site. As we all know the more you know about your audience the better you can serve their needs and serving their needs will help create brand loyalty.

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Whenever I start a project I always try to get as much information from a client  about their likes dislikes needs and expectations of the

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Begin Anywhere

I grew up in a big family in Brooklyn NY back in the 70’s maybe that’s what I was running from. Anyway as I got

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Choosing the right domain for your business

Choosing the right domain name for your business website can be just as hard as choosing a name of your first born . Your first born can legally change its name when it matures but as your business matures it will be harder and more expensive to change your branding…. changing the domain is easy

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Trust your wings

One of the things that i had to learn quickly when I started this business was that you only ask for what you think you

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10 minute rule


One of the biggest stumbling blocks that small and medium businesses face is understanding the tools that we have available to us . We have tendency to want to compete with the big boys and not know that there things that exist that will help us compete with the big boys. Thais where somersetting like the 10 MINUTE RULE comes into play. Social Media sites like Twitter Facebook and Instagram only reacts to the information that we add to it. Essentially its kind of a social experiment. These sites create no content we feed the content to the sites and then they measure our reaction to that content we post. Basically the “ALGORITHM” is us the study of us .

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